Edgeplace Gallery

Edgeplace Cartoons

The cartoon gallery is the place you can find all the cartoons which appear throughout Edgeplace. These great drawings by Susan Scott of Scott Cartoons, Ltd., were created just for the work of the learning network.

Please feel free to download or save the images for use in your presentations or other materials in your workplace. We do ask you to cite the artist.

Each of the cartoons appears here as a minature version of the actual drawing. Click on the thumbnail to see the full image.


c1_chaos.gif (12959 bytes)c2_univ.gif (6262 bytes)

c3_scale.gif (5994 bytes)c7_deer.gif (5069 bytes)

c4_guy.gif (713 bytes)c5_cas.gif (1461 bytes)

 c8_cliff1.gif (2447 bytes)c9_gulf2.gif (1377 bytes)

c10_spid.gif (3355 bytes)c11_term.gif (3188 bytes)

c6_envy.gif (3792 bytes)c12_alice.gif (3940 bytes)

c13_clock.gif (3874 bytes)c14_edge.gif (2440 bytes)

c15_max.gif (2160 bytes)c16_min.gif (2470 bytes)


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